Term 1 Goal review and Next Steps

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps
Parent Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Make improvements in Maths  and regularly achieve 1500 points in Mathletics.
Join Kapa Haka and learn a music instrument.
Playing at Mathletics at home and doing a lot of homework that my mum has given me.

Student Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Goal around maths and interest out of school reading and playing games.
Finishing SML on time.
By being aware of others by not talking to them and concentrating on my work.
